About Us

Ruchita Batra

I’m a certified nutritionist and a lifestyle fitness coach. I’ve supported more than 5000+ clients across the world to transform their lifestyle habits.

According to me, our bodies are asking for something more than weight loss, and that something is the transformation of our mindset. A body full of positivity and mental strength can fight every disease and will always stand by our side. To get that, we need to make small yet conscious changes in our everyday life and understand what our bodies are asking for. Unfortunately, I didn’t have this guidance during the early part of my life and even during pregnancy, but with time, I transformed myself by studying how things work.


5000+ Lifes Changed through my diets

My purpose is to clear doubts and misconceptions about nutrition and provide assistance throughout the journey. It is also to give clarity about basic concepts of nutrition such as eating habits and minor lifestyle changes that can do wonders for our health.

In the era of marketing and promotions, organic and natural foods are underestimated due to fancy branding and packaging tactics of companies. Fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables are the best foods for our overall wellness. Besides the diet, we must increase prana (the energy that is driving us from within) in the body with minimum quantity and maximum quality. I won’t suggest gulping in diet supplements just for a temporary inch loss. I’d rather recommend seasonal, locally grown, mineral-rich foods which enhance and support our system by improving gut health, immunity, and mental health.

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